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cirrus cloud Meaning in Bengali


অলক মেঘ,

cirrus cloud শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

উচ্চ সাসপেনশনীভূত এবং শীতল অলক মেঘ বা স্তরীভূত অলক মেঘ অথবা হীরক বালুর নিম্ন তাপমাত্রায় তাড়িত জলীয় বায়ুর হিমায়নের ।

অলক-স্তুপ অলক মেঘ অলক-স্তর উচ্চ-স্তর উচ্চ-স্তুপ এই মেঘ ২,০০০ মি (৬,৫০০ ফুট) উচ্চতা পর্যন্ত ।

cirrus cloud's Usage Examples:

Cirrus fibratus is a type of cirrus cloud.

Cirrus uncinus is a type of cirrus cloud.

Cirrus duplicatus is a variety of cirrus cloud.

The duplicatus variety of cirrus clouds.

Cirrus vertebratus is a type of cirrus cloud.

Cirrus intortus is a variety of cirrus cloud.

Cirrus floccus is a type of cirrus cloud.

Cirrus radiatus is a variety of cirrus cloud.

This variety of cirrus clouds occurs.

Cirrus castellanus is a species of cirrus cloud.

The building, named after the cirrus cloud, has 41 floors and is located at the intersection of Westlake Avenue.

4 that of CO 2 alone, excluding induced cirrus cloud with a very low level of scientific understanding.

Imaging Infrared Radiometer (IIR) - used to detect cirrus cloud emissivity and particle size.

airliners) emit aerosols and leave contrails, both of which can increase cirrus cloud formation – cloud cover may have increased by up to 0.

electromagnetic spectrum, in order to gain insight into water vapour and cirrus cloud regulation of the planet's surface temperature.


cloud; mare's tail; cirrus;


show; brighten; clear up; reality;

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