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clambering Meaning in Bengali

 কষ্টসহকারে আরোহণ করা,


কষ্টসহকারে আরোহণ করা, বহু পরিশ্রমে আরোহণ করা, কষ্টেসৃষ্টে আরোহণ করা,

clambering's Usage Examples:

Most live in scrubland and frequently hunt food by clambering through thick tangled growth or pursuing it on the ground; they are perhaps.

method of locomotion unlike any previously known ape called "extended limb clambering", walking directly along tree branches as well as using arms for suspending.

males seek out an opportunity, several individuals may sometimes be seen clambering over each other on a single female.

mostly forage on the ground for seeds and other food items, as well as clambering on plants and trees, feeding on buds and small arthropods.

They are acrobatic birds, well-adapted for clambering through trees.

Most live in scrubland and frequently hunt food by clambering through thick tangled growth.

its simple slender tendrils, the short disk, and that it has a habit of clambering over adjacent foliage using tendrils to hang on tight.

They are weak fliers, and are often seen clambering about in vegetation or walking on the ground as they forage for insects.

Some resemble coucals in their habit of clambering through plant tangles while foraging, while the arboreal species move.

actively, sometimes even acrobatically, at middle and upper tree levels, clambering along branches, often hanging upside down or moving out onto terminal.

 Night nursed not him in whose dark mind  The clambering wings of birds of black revolved,  Making harsh torment of the solitude.

(called "Mormon tea") are shrubs, but Ephedra pedunculata is a trailing or clambering woody vine up to 7 m (23 ft) long.

It is a white-flowered vine that can be found clambering among other wildflowers, on shrubs and on fence rows.

transplanted—wet and dry, glittering and static—which effectively invites wading and clambering and contemplation.

Tasmania, are known to pile up on each other, the faster-moving crabs clambering over the smaller, slower ones.

this visit was also cut short as a military police officer saw them clambering up the cliff face and told them they could not do this and had to "keep.

on board, only 129 escaped: five by means of a launch, and the rest by clambering along the fallen mainmast to the shore.

As they are clambering down the hill, Squire Mao orders his son Mao Zhongyi to take the tiger.

occasionally perennial) up to a metre tall with weak, often pinkish, clambering stems.


shin; scramble; shinny; struggle; climb; sputter; skin;


defend; make peace; regress; wane; decrease;

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