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clay pot Meaning in Bengali

 মৃন্ময় পাত্র, মৃংময়পাত্র,

clay pot's Usage Examples:

word "Khanom modin" (ขนมหม้อดิน; lit: clay pot snack) believe that in ancient times it would be cooked in a clay pot.

clay pot cooler or zeer (Arabic: زير‎) is an evaporative cooling refrigeration device which does not use electricity.

It uses a porous outer clay pot.

It is a clay pot with narrow mouth.

Cleaning these filters is the same as with the clay pot filter but also allows for reverse-flow cleaning, wherein clean water is.

Arroz a la tumbada is traditionally cooked in a cazuela, which is a thick clay pot.

shavings or red bean cooked in jaggery, and then steamed in a traditional clay pot.

It is characteristically baked in a clay pot, a güveç, and served with grated cheese.

galangal, sweet basil, lemongrass and kaffir lime leaves, cooked in a small clay pot on a charcoal stove.

To prepare café de olla, it is essential to use a traditional earthen clay pot, as this gives a special flavor to the coffee.

meeshay') is a Yunnanese version in which the rice noodles are cooked in a clay pot and the dish is served with a large quantity of soup and fresh vegetables.

It is traditionally served in a clay pot (Zulu: ukhamba) and eaten with wooden spoons.

It is brought bubbling to the table in a miniature clay pot or shallow aluminum pan.

Many East Asian cuisines also prepare rice in a similar way using a clay pot or stone bowl.

The stew is best prepared over low heat in a thick clay pot.

the order is an equilateral triangle representing a flintstone above a clay pot.

that is usually cooked with firewood in a gentong stove (Javanese for: clay pot).


dirt; kaolin; bentonite; daub; fireclay; silicon; porcelain clay; argil; soil; Si; pipeclay; Kitty Litter; terra alba; roofing tile; pottery; china clay; clayware; adobe; red clay; china stone; tile; potter's earth; atomic number 14; kaoline; potter's clay; brick;


starve; move; artifact; porosity; thick;

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