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click Meaning in Bengali

 টিকটিক শব্দ


হাঁসকল, টিক্ টিক্ শব্দ,


টক্টক্ শব্দ করা,

click শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

যোগাযোগ রক্ষার্থে এই প্রজাতি টিকটিক শব্দ, কিচির মিচির এবং ৬০ কিলোহার্জের শব্দ তৈরি করে যা কোন বস্তু শনাক্ত করতে ।

সেকেন্ড ও মিনিটের কাটা নেই,নেই কোন টিকটিক শব্দ

click's Usage Examples:

If necessary, click Advanced, then click Format, then select Album, then click SEARCH.

player's text commands with graphics, but soon moving towards point-and-click interfaces.

Pay-per-click (PPC) is an internet advertising model used to drive traffic to websites, in which an advertiser pays a publisher (typically a search engine.

Services are offered under a pay-per-click (PPC) pricing model.

Elateridae or click beetles (or "typical click beetles" to distinguish them from the related families Cerophytidae and Eucnemidae) are family of beetles.

(left) Single-click: clicking the main button.

(left) Double-click: clicking the button two times.

The first AT'T ad on HotWired had a 44% click-through rate, and instead of directing clickers to AT'T's website, the ad linked to an online tour.

Click consonants, or clicks, are speech sounds that occur as consonants in many languages of Southern Africa and in three languages of East Africa.

Internet bots or web bots can also be used to commit click fraud and more recently have appeared around MMORPG games, as computer game.

pure-click and brick-and-click channel systems.

We can distinguish pure-click and brick-and-click channel system adopted by companies.

Pure-click or pure-play.


snap; move;


inarticulate; uncommunicative; stand still;

click's Meaning in Other Sites