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cloud cover Meaning in Bengali




cloud cover's Usage Examples:

However, the total cloud cover must not be entirely due to obscuring phenomena near the surface, such.

cold nights because there is no insulation provided by humidity and cloud cover.

of relevant quantities such as sea level pressure, temperature, and cloud cover onto a geographical map to help find synoptic scale features such as.

patterns in atmospheric pressure, temperature, wind speed and direction, cloud cover, precipitation, and other parameters.

One such feedback system is the interaction between solar radiation, cloud cover, and planet temperature.

meteorology, an okta is a unit of measurement used to describe the amount of cloud cover at any given location such as a weather station.

formed by natural sources and by human activities, upper air winds and cloud cover, type, height, as well as the characterization of land surface properties.

Poor visibility and low cloud cover resulted in an aborted landing attempt, leading to a second attempt which.

also tested a scanning device designed for photographing the Earth's cloud cover, and transmitted the first pictures of Earth via satellite.

, precipitation, mean temperature, and cloud cover, glacial mass changes are considered among the most sensitive indicators.

the following day, but smoke from the fires in Yahata combined with cloud cover decreased visibility to the point that the secondary target of Nagasaki.

relied primarily on optical and spectral sensors which were hampered by cloud cover.

operational instruments to measure the atmosphere of Earth, its surface and cloud cover, and the near-space environment.

forest characterized by a persistent, frequent or seasonal low-level cloud cover, usually at the canopy level, formally described in the International.

measurements in large-scale global dynamics including changes in Earth's cloud cover, radiation budget and processes occurring in the oceans, on land, and.

Perrine was able to obtain one photograph of the eclipse but the thin cloud cover was enough to obscure star locations necessary to test Einstein's theory.


cosmic dust; dust cloud; mushroom; aerosol; mushroom cloud; coma; mushroom-shaped cloud; physical phenomenon; nebula;


transparency; opacity; honor; succeed; validate;

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