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coelostat Meaning in Bengali

অপটিক্যাল একটি স্বর্গীয় শরীরের পথ অনুসরণ করে এবং একটি দূরবীন মধ্যে নিজের আলো প্রতিফলিত করার জন্য ব্যবহৃত যন্ত্র; একটি অস্থাবর এবং একটি নির্দিষ্ট আয়না হয়েছে

coelostat's Usage Examples:

The design and assembly of the coelostat VTT 120 extends the equipment of the observatory to another area.

Lippmann also invented the coelostat, an astronomical tool that compensated for the Earth's rotation and allowed.

A Grubb Parson 60 cm diameter two-mirror fused quartz coelostat mounted on 11 m tower platform directs sunlight via a flat mirror into.

Using a long focus horizontal mirror and a plane coelostat, both of his own manufacture, he took impressive photos of the sun, moon.

including a Sky Quality Meter for quantifying levels of light pollution, a coelostat for observing the sun, and day and night-time all-sky cameras - two of.

the tower had a sliding roof and housed a 30-inch (760 mm) optical flat coelostat mirror driven equatorially and reflecting light from any unobscured part.

In tower telescopes a coelostat (a system with two deflecting mirrors, pronounced "seelostat") at the.

A solar telescope or coelostat at the mouth of the tunnel passed sunlight to a spectrograph, an Ångström.

multiple focal lengths, and use a various combination of mirrors such as coelostats, lenses, and tubes for instruments including spectrographs, cameras, or.

12-inch (305mm) Zeiss refracting telescope in the east dome, a triple-beam coelostat (solar telescope) in the west dome, and a thirty-eight foot relief model.

9 in) coelostat (solar telescope) is used for outreach purposes.

A coelostat redirects the light from the Sun into the building.

The stone platform also contained a coelostat, consisting of two flat mirrors, one of which was driven by clockwork.

coelostat's Meaning':

optical device used to follow the path of a celestial body and reflect its light into a telescope; has a movable and a fixed mirror

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