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cogener Meaning in Bengali


সমগোত্রের বস্তু বা প্রাণী,

cogener's Usage Examples:

Clomegestone acetate is also the 17-desoxy cogener of clometherone, and is somewhat more potent in comparison.

AMPAR PAM, unlike so-called "low-impact" AMPAR PAMs like CX-516 and its cogener farampator (CX-691, ORG-24448).

Its cogener is growth hormone 1 (GH1), or pituitary growth hormone.

It is a small bat, even smaller than cogener Nycticeius humeralis.

Although described in 1999, two other cogener fish have since been discovered.

The frog is similar in appearance to a cogener, Ranoidea moorei, bearing dark green or brownish patches with bronze or.

juncta can be easily confused with its cogener the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata.

the sheath, and the longer leaves, differentiate this species from its cogener Amphibolis antarctica, and it is found in rougher oceans than that species.

In these areas it appears to be sympatric with a scarcer cogener, Eledone gaucha.

sometimes found on the underside or rock overhangs but not as often as its cogener, the common topknot, Zeugopterus punctatus.

is uncommon as an aquarium fish, many populations are confused with its cogener Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor, because Pseudocrenilabrus philander is so.

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