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cohabited Meaning in Bengali

চতুর্থাংশ বাস ভাগ; সাধারণত যারা বিবাহিত এবং লাইভ একসঙ্গে এক দম্পতি হিসেবে নয় বলেছিলেন


সহবাস করা,

cohabited শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

কেননা হায়েজ ও নিফাসের সময় সহবাস করা হারাম এবং এটি যে ক্ষতিকারক তা মেডিক্যালি প্রমাণিত ।

বরং এই সময়ে সকল ধরণের সহবাস করা থেকে নিজেকে বিরত রাখতে হবে ।

সহকারে ব্যবহৃত হয়; ক্রিয়াপদ হিসাবে ইচি সুরু (エッチする বা Hする) এর অর্থ "সহবাস করা" বা বিশেষ্য হিসাবে কারো সাথে অশ্লীল আচরণ করাকে বোঝায় ।

ইচ্ছাকৃতভাবে কোন রোজা বাদ দেয় বা উদ্দেশ্যমূলকভাবে রোজা ভঙ্গ করে (যেমন সহবাস করা বা খাওয়া খাওয়া) তখন কাফফারা দেওয়া হয় ।

রোগ ভালো না হওয়া পর্যন্ত সহবাস করা যাবেনা অথবা করলেও ভালো মানের কনডম ব্যবহার করতে হবে ।

cohabited's Usage Examples:

prose; describing when she and a robin, she had nurtured from peril, cohabited; sharing their life and home.

From 1962 to 1975, Strøbye cohabited with the actress Lone Hertz, with whom he had two children.

heterosexual couples finding that men who cohabited with their spouse before engagement were less dedicated than men who cohabited only after engagement or not at.

Feinstein cohabited with actress Lana Wood for most of the 1980s, and was in attendance at.

River and settled in present-day Pennsylvania and Canada, while others cohabited with the Assateague, Nanticoke and Choptanks near Indian River.

During the period of British India, these South Asian units cohabited with imperial units.

in the form of a 19th-century explorer’s journal from an island utopia cohabited by humans and dinosaurs.

American actress notable for unsuccessfully suing Lee Marvin in 1977, having cohabited with him from 1965 to 1970.

When he overcame his sorrow he cohabited and Allah gave him a son, Shith (Seth) who was born a single child.

Egesta, was the son of a Trojan woman by the river-god Crimisus, who cohabited with her under the form of a dog.

The runaway couple cohabited for some days at a five-star hotel in Lahore before Nadir Mirza abandoned.

After its first steps during a period in which local punk music cohabited in the Basque Country with socio-political turmoil and violence, the band.

The Fula, Mandinka and Susu peoples have cohabited peacefully in Bissikrima for an extended period.

Smith cohabited with his many wives (all of whom he married before 1890) and fathered.

periodically inhabited by Neanderthals, but it is unclear whether they ever cohabited in the cave.

Churchill cohabited with a Richard Hunt in London, became a prostitute and picked pockets.

villagers also claim that their ancestors kept planting tamarind trees and cohabited with this bird.

She was forced to commit suicide after it was discovered that she had cohabited with a slave after being widowed.

illegitimate children he had by the actress Dorothea Jordan, with whom he cohabited for twenty years.

Primal Fury is a sequel to an award winning 48HOURS film, set in a world cohabited by humans and puppets.

cohabited's Meaning':

share living quarters; usually said of people who are not married and live together as a couple


live together; miscegenate; shack up; populate; inhabit; live; dwell;


empty; dead; inanimate; inelastic; recorded;

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