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collembolan Meaning in Bengali

অসংখ্য মিনিট কোন একটি বিশেষ পেটের উপাঙ্গ যে চরিত্রগত প্রায় চিরস্থায়ী খিলান প্যাটার্ন পারবেন অধিকারী আদিম পোকামাকড় ডানাহীন; মাটি জৈব ধ্বংসাবশেষ অথবা তুষার বা জল পৃষ্ঠতলে সমৃদ্ধ পাওয়া

collembolan's Usage Examples:

Anurida maritima (seashore springtail) is a cosmopolitan collembolan of the intertidal zone.

Devon's only true troglobite collembolan Pseudosinella dobati is recorded from this cave.

maritima, a flowering plant species Anurida maritima, a cosmopolitan collembolan species of the intertidal zone Armada maritima, a moth species found.

locality for both the lichen Caloplaca coeruleofrigida Sochting and the collembolan Gomphiocephalus hodgsoni Carpenter.

"Troglobius coprophagus, a new genus and species of cave collembolan from Madagascar with notes on its ecology" (PDF).

99% of the fruit bodies in a site under Sitka spruce, the fungivorous collembolan arthropod Onychiurus latus preferred to graze on the mycelium of M.

"Alimentary studies on the collembolan Paratullbergia callipygos using transmission electron microscopy" (PDF).

"Alarm pheromone in a gregarious poduromorph collembolan (Collembola: Hypogastruridae)".

insect grubs live in the soil, but smaller invertebrates such as mites, collembolans, and nematodes are also common.

"The dorsal organ of collembolan embryos".

collembolan's Meaning':

any of numerous minute wingless primitive insects possessing a special abdominal appendage that allows the characteristic nearly perpetual springing pattern; found in soil rich in organic debris or on the surface of snow or water

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