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colluders Meaning in Bengali



colluders শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

comprehensive wormhole FAQ by Enrico Rodrigo. Large Hadron Collider – Theory on how the collider could create a small wormhole, possibly allowing time travel ।

লার্জ হ্যাড্রন কলাইডার বা বৃহৎ হ্যাড্রন সংঘর্ষক (ইংরেজি: Large Hadron Collider সংক্ষেপে LHC; ফরাসি: Grand collisionneur de hadrons) পৃথিবীর বৃহত্তম ও সবচেয়ে ।

New York Review of Books 56(6), April 9, 2009. ForaTV: The Large Hadron Collider and Unified Field Theory A radio interview with Frank Wilczeck Aired on ।

Collider.com ।

C. Amsler et al., "Review of Particle Physics" Physics Letters B667, 1 (2008) Particle Data Group Large Hadron Collider


International Linear Collider

  The International Linear Collider Technical Design Report 2013 ।

বিগ ব্যাং! Back to the beginning: Hadron Collider creates mini-Big Bang "Large Hadron Collider makes a mini-Big Bang - Machine smashes together ।

experiments United States Department of Energy article on ATLAS Large Hadron Collider Project Director Dr Lyn Evans CBE on the engineering behind the ATLAS experiment ।

colluders's Usage Examples:

analyzying destructive leadership, distinguished between conformers and colluders, in which the latter are those who actively participate in the destructive.

occupation of the Netherlands from 1940 to 1945, hiding from Germans and Dutch colluders, who rounded up any Jews; nearly 75 per cent of the Dutch Jewish population.

” In finding the source of the deaths, Nazi sympathizers and Gestapo colluders are revealed and punished.

such marked decks will only be introduced by the house when suspected colluders are seated.

known infringers, the latter can usually accumulate clean chunks from colluders (paid peers who share content with others without authorization).

In this way, various government institutions were co-opted by the scheme which used its widespread network to illegally enrich its colluders.

Yongle: authoritative and will not think twice about killing rebels and colluders.

"McCain colluders Graham, Lynch set to scuttle Trump".

"Russia's colluders".

wore to Donald Trumps inaugural ball, "has been linked by some to Nazi colluders".

Mueller’s team for his ties to Donald Trump's associates and Russian colluders.

colluders's Meaning in Other Sites