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collusion Meaning in Bengali

 দুষ্কমেৃর গোপন আঁতাত


গোপন চুক্তি, সাজশ,

collusion's Usage Examples:

Oligopolies can result from various forms of collusion that reduce market competition which then leads to higher prices for consumers.

Tacit collusion is a collusion between competitors, which do not explicitly exchange information and achieving an agreement about coordination of conduct.

tribunal issued its report on 3 December 2013, finding there had been collusion between members of the Gardaí and the IRA, which resulted in the deaths.

There was extensive collusion between British security forces and loyalist paramilitaries.

The kickback varies from other kinds of bribes in that there is implied collusion between agents of the two parties, rather than one party extorting the.

Cartels are distinguished from other forms of collusion or anti-competitive organization such as corporate mergers.

Officers were also accused of police brutality as well as collusion with loyalist paramilitaries.

"applied the framework of conspiracy law", and not the concept of "collusion", because collusion "is not a specific offense or theory of liability found in the.

There have been allegations that the attack was the result of collusion between the Gardaí and the Provisional IRA.

in collusion with British security services.

In 2011, British Prime Minister David Cameron met with Pat Finucane's family and admitted the collusion, although.

Support Group (JSG) following the Stevens Inquiry into allegations of collusion between the security forces and Protestant paramilitary groups.

officials, by firms in an orchestrated act of collusion, or between officials and firms.

This form of collusion is illegal in most countries.

Cheating can be done many ways, including collusion, sleight-of-hand (such as bottom dealing or stacking the deck), or the.

York Times bestselling book Proof of Collusion (Simon ' Schuster), which sought to establish "proof of collusion in the Trump-Russia case.

In their efforts to defeat the IRA, there were incidents of collusion between British soldiers and Ulster loyalist paramilitaries.

Although never proven most if not all parties agree State sponsored collusion took place between loyalist paramilitaries and the security forces.

There were allegations of collusion between the UVF and the Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR) in the shootings.


agreement; arrangement;


difference; incompatibility; disapproval;

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