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colonnaded Meaning in Bengali

colonnaded's Usage Examples:

the colonnaded walkway.

These include a forecourt, located outside the east church and north of the colonnaded walkway;.

The colonnaded square in front of the stairway-theatre was thought to have been part.

400 AD, and colonnaded street.

A Temple of Artemis, dating to the time of Claudius (41-54), was demolished to make way for the colonnaded street which.

sanctuary was later taken over by the Romans, who built two temples, a colonnaded precinct and other related structures centred on the spring and pool.

was laid out with an extensive park with bridges, gardens, colonnaded palaces and open column pavilions.

The colonnaded walks of the portico enclosed the temples of Jupiter Stator and Juno Regina.

of a series of near-identical statues that flanked the west side of a colonnaded courtyard.

and each building is topped by a giant dome, while each wings end with colonnaded balcony.

It is shaped as an amphitheatre, with a colonnaded portico wrapping around its south side, and monumental stairs leading.

Even in the 21st century the area is replete with colonnaded mansions.

from this period are a bathhouse with a complex heating system and the colonnaded streets.

Located on Spring Street on the edge of the Hoddle Grid, the grand colonnaded front dominates the vista up Bourke Street.

The Stanford Clock Tower with its attached, colonnaded pergola is located at the so-called “Circle of Death” at the corner of Escondido and Lasuen Malls.

main colonnaded streets of Roman Berytus.

Today, five erected columns mark the crossing of the Cardo and the Decumanus Maximus, the two main colonnaded streets.

In 1895, a colonnaded terrace was constructed and a verandah was built around it.

The word Katra may have originated from Arabic word Katara which means colonnaded building.

It has also been surmised that oscilla hung on hooks along colonnaded porticoes may have comparable evil-warding intents.

The Great Colonnade at Palmyra was the main colonnaded avenue in the ancient city of Palmyra in the Syrian Desert.

A colonnaded great hall (lobby) includes a mural of Ulrim Falls.




unpillared; noncolumned;

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