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colubrids Meaning in Bengali

বেশিরভাগ নিরীহ নাতিশীতোষ্ণ টু গ্রীষ্মমন্ডলীয় স্থলজ বা বৃক্ষবাসী বা জলজ সাপ

colubrids's Usage Examples:

Colubridae (/kəˈluːbrɪdiː/, commonly known as colubrids /ˈkɒljʊbrɪdz/, from Latin: coluber, 'snake') is a family of snakes.

The maxilla is intermediate in both length and mobility between typical colubrids (long, less mobile) and viperids (very short, highly mobile).

It is the second largest subfamily of colubrids, after Dipsadinae.

Like nearly all colubrids, rat snakes pose no threat to humans.

Mascota comes from the root "Amaxacotlán", which means "place of deer and colubrids".

It has been found that corn snakes (along with other colubrids) reach sexual maturity by means of size, as opposed to age.

the mussuranas (ophiophagous South American mildly venomous rear-fanged colubrids which use constriction to subdue snakes including pit vipers), the western.

Dhamans and related colubrids are aggressively hunted by humans in some areas of their range for skins.

(2009) proposed to redefine Colubroidea for colubrids and related families, while designating Colubroides as the group containing.

colubrids's Meaning':

mostly harmless temperate-to-tropical terrestrial or arboreal or aquatic snakes


snake; vine snake; whip snake; garter snake; leaf-nosed snake; Tropidoclonion lineatum; ground snake; kingsnake; water snake; colubrid snake; ophidian; racer; bull-snake; lined snake; night snake; red-bellied snake; rat snake; Hypsiglena torquata; sand viper; gopher snake; whipsnake; bull snake; ring snake; sand snake; king snake; serpent; grass snake; Potamophis striatula; green snake; eastern ground snake; lyre snake; Colubridae; hoop snake; indigo snake; ringneck snake; family Colubridae; glossy snake; black-headed snake; Sonora semiannulata; Haldea striatula; whip-snake; puff adder; Arizona elegans; Drymarchon corais; Storeria occipitamaculata; thunder snake; Carphophis amoenus; worm snake; ring-necked snake; hognose snake;


anapsid; good person; nondriver;

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