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come to pass Meaning in Bengali

 ঘটা, ঘটে যাওয়া,

come to pass's Usage Examples:

He said all these things would come to pass someday—I'd lose my sight at the hand of someone called Odysseus.

the TSRA and local governments in the area abolished, but this has not come to pass.

be held in 1979 in Cotonou, Benin was announced, though this did not come to pass.

for this in English) all that has happened and will happen, which will come to pass as written.

accomplishments, Metcalfe has made several predictions which failed to come to pass, separately forecasting the demise of the Internet, wireless networks.

*wert- "to turn, rotate", in Common Germanic *wirþ- with a meaning "to come to pass, to become, to be due" (also in weorþ, the notion of "origin" or "worth".

expression, which is used as the date of a future occurrence that will never come to pass.

the lawn into a three-storey modular building, however this has not come to pass.

with God's will that some desired event will come to pass, or that some negative event will not come to pass.

In a sense, the critics' worries have come to pass, as there is a measurable difference between the conviction rates of.

Elazar Stern, decided to close the publication, an order which did not come to pass.

passage of time in Bangladeshi madrasah education several amendments have come to pass.

interpretation would be: that we cannot know that which has not yet come to pass.

That, however, may yet come to pass.

throughout that also set up the season for the finale, although this did not come to pass.

withering of state-power and the dissolution of Islam, have not yet come to pass.

preterism) or a majority (partial preterism) of the Olivet discourse had come to pass by AD 70.

Fools" was a prediction of disaster due to the Y2K problem, that did not come to pass.

Many things can come to pass/One thing I know for sure.

Adam" (Christ) as also reflected in 1 Corinthians 15:54: "then shall come to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory".


put down; attain; flood in; come in; roll up; pull in; reach; move in; set ashore; drive in; get in; arrive; get; shore; set down; land; bring down; plump in; draw in; hit;


leave; pull out; arrive; embark; inflate;

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