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comedones Meaning in Bengali




comedones's Usage Examples:

skin condition classifies as acne depends on the amount of comedones and infection.

within the first 4-6 weeks of life, and presents with open and closed comedones on the cheeks, chin and forehead.

become clogged with black sebaceous material, forming comedones (also known as blackheads).

forehead and is responsible for the development of multiple, closely packed comedones close to the hairline.

consisting of multiple open comedones that occurs in skin damaged by sunlight, especially under and lateral of the eyes.

The comedones are widened openings for.

Steroid acne presents with monomorphous pink paupules, as well as comedones, which may be indistinguishable from those of acne vulgaris.

elevated papules that have at their center keratinous plugs resembling comedones.

Acne conglobata is a highly inflammatory disease presenting with comedones, nodules, abscesses, and draining sinus tracts.

folliculitis and acne can mimic the appearance of AKN; however, unlike acne, comedones are not seen with AKN.

may extract blackheads (open comedones) using gentle pressure around the pore opening, and whiteheads (closed comedones) by incision with a large needle.

the comedones where they proliferate to form micro-comedones, not visible to the naked eye, which can later form structures such as closed comedones (white.

blackheads, as they did not produce melanin, the pigment that makes the comedones black.

It presents with both open and closed comedones, papules and pustules.

"rosacea-like facial eruption[,] reticulated hyperpigmentation of major flexures, comedones on the back and neck, and pitted facial scars.

result in the increased formation of comedones (clogged hair follicles).

People who are prone to acne or forming comedones often prefer lotions that are designed.

is a type of lipophilic bacteria, releasing fatty acids and worsening comedones in acne.

Moreover, the number of comedones were decreased 9.

These groups of necrotic cells are often referred to as comedones, hence the classification of this type of high-grade DCIS as "comedo necrosis".

The presence of clogged skin follicles (known as comedones) limited to the face with occasional inflammatory lesions defines mild.

This can inflame the comedones, which then change into the characteristic acne lesions.


skin; blackhead; cutis; mar; blemish; defect; tegument;


clean; perfection; advantage;

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