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commissures Meaning in Bengali

নার্ভ তন্তু একটি বান্ডিল এক পাশ থেকে মস্তিষ্ক বা মেরুদন্ডের অপরের ক্ষণস্থায়ী

commissures's Usage Examples:

The most common usage of the term refers to the brain's commissures, of which there are five.

canthi, palpebral commissures) is either corner of the eye where the upper and lower eyelids meet.

the anterior commissures of 30 homosexual men, 30 heterosexual men, and 30 heterosexual women.

They found that all three groups' commissures were significantly.

Smaller commissures, including the anterior commissure, the posterior commissure and the.

posterior commissures.

Other commissures are the hippocampal.

Labial commissures may refer to: Anterior commissure of labia majora (commissura labiorum anterior) Posterior commissure of labia majora (commissura labiorum.

esophagus, a single ganglion or nerve mass (the subesophageal) below it, and commissures connecting the two in a ring.

their internal organs, uncrossing the commissures in the process.

It is this second state, one in which the commissures have once again become untwisted,.

sometimes require oral commissurotomy to open the corners of the mouth, the commissures, to allow dental treatment.

They pass through hippocampal commissures to reach contralateral regions of hippocampus.

Hippocampal commissures have dorsal and ventral segments.

anatomical regions: the glottis (true vocal cords, anterior and posterior commissures); the supraglottis (epiglottis, arytenoids and aryepiglottic folds, and.

up the vermilion from both peaks of the Cupid's bow outwards to the commissures, the corners of the mouth.

Perhaps the two most prominent of these are commissures and topographic maps.

The commissures create concavity to the shape of the posterior ventricle border, causing.

The y-axis points posterior and anterior to the commissures, the left and right is the x-axis, and the z-axis is in the ventral-dorsal.

The stigmas are decurrent along the commissures of the ovary and sometimes extended above, to form false styles called.

matter, while internally there is more white matter that form tracts and commissures.

commissures's Meaning':

a bundle of nerve fibers passing from one side to the other of the brain or spinal cord


pathway; corpus callosum; tract; nerve tract; nerve pathway;


infield; outfield;

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