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common denominator Meaning in Bengali


সাধারণ হর,

common denominator's Usage Examples:

In mathematics, the lowest common denominator or least common denominator (abbreviated LCD) is the lowest common multiple of the denominators of a set.

not have any greatest common denominator (if two fractions have the same denominator, one obtains a greater common denominator by multiplying all numerators.

The lowest common denominator strategy is an instruction selection technique used on platforms where.

approximate half, or third, of the Mediterranean Sea (its lowest common denominator being the Levantine Sea).

The common denominator frequency, which is also often the lowest of these frequencies is.

The meaning may vary, with the common denominator being cultural, economical, historical or social similarity within.

The common denominator in ecoauthoritarian thought is the focus on sustainability and the.

DAIA noted, "The common denominator on these sites is the incitement of hate and the call to violence".

previous versions, which were designed with television sets as a lowest common denominator display.

ectopic beats; inter-ectopic intervals that are simple multiples of a common denominator; fusion beats.

Unlike the G7, where the common denominator is the economy and long-term political motives, the G4's primary aim.

A common denominator of the Neue Rechte is a skeptical or negative stance towards the basic.

the term situational offender is used in several meanings, their common denominator being nontypical character of the offense in question for the person.

Dreams are a common denominator amongst humans of all nations and cultures.

No fashionable crossing of frontiers, in order to find the lowest common denominator, but an opening up from both sides, based on a musical identity which.

The lcm is the "lowest common denominator" (lcd) that can be used before fractions can be added, subtracted.

geopolitical breakdown, namely its member states share a Western-Democratic common denominator.




uncheerfulness; cheerfulness;

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