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commonsensical Meaning in Bengali

commonsensical's Usage Examples:

understood the feminist doctrines, a lesbian separatist position seemed the commonsensical position, especially since, conveniently, I was an L-person.

described as "painstakingly researched, regularly insightful, and always commonsensical".

Sprague de Camp's classic fantasy has been a wry humor as he asked commonsensical questions of the genre's imaginative but impractical motifs," called.

scientific evidence it provides and the charm of its down-to-earth, commonsensical tone".

essentially Australian response to nature is reinforced by what he sees as a commonsensical Eastern view of man as within nature rather than an agent removable.

It is a saying that is viewed as a commonsensical proverb, which was included in "A Method of Prayer" by Mathew Henry.

this approach yields "relationship advice [which] is familiar and commonsensical," even as "married couples will still benefit from this refresher course.

Consequently, all knowledge (knowing and known) whether commonsensical or scientific; past, present, or future; is subject to further inquiry.

beautiful and pure-hearted but unsophisticated Neapolitan Mervale – a commonsensical and conventional-minded friend of Glyndon Nicot – a debased and selfish.

Sorcha Cusack as the commonsensical gran and Gerard Horan as an embittered victim of rural blight fill out.

common-sense beliefs even govern the lives and thoughts of those who hold non-commonsensical beliefs.

His strength lay in the palpable decency of his character and the commonsensical soundness of his judgement.

"Courageous, combative, commonsensical".

microstates as considered in statistical mechanics, which he regards as commonsensical.

Welland that Chariots of Fire is simultaneously romantic and commonsensical, lyrical and comic.

excoriated as unforgivable, and which then gradually become guiltily commonsensical" and broadly praised the work.

common-sense beliefs govern the lives and thoughts even of those who avow non-commonsensical beliefs and that matters of common sense are inherent to the acquisition.

These techniques will require only rudimentary, commonsensical tools.

freely prescribe a character's stroke order, which all should "follow commonsensical orders which are widely accepted in the society"[citation needed].


commonsense; reasonable; commonsensible; sensible;


illogical; irrational; unfair; invalid; unreasonable;

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