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communicatively Meaning in Bengali


মনের কথা প্রকাশ করতে ইচ্ছুক,

communicatively's Usage Examples:

mysterious ability of angels or human beings to express themselves communicatively through spiritual means, rather than through physical capacities.

grammatical form of language features that they are already able to use communicatively.

Organization (Swedish: Riksförbundet Sveriges lottakårer (juridical), communicatively known as Svenska Lottakåren, SLK lit.

attempt to account for anomalies in their complex naming patterns by communicatively shifting attention.

educational products globally, such as the first series designed for communicatively challenged children.

The individual is communicatively competent in different social contexts.

‘Adoption’ in Online Foster Adoption Narratives Showcased Remaking "family" communicatively at the NCA Family Communication Division Panel 2014 – Mark L.

Ideally this occurs by communicatively coming to understanding (German Verstehen), but it also occurs through.

developing the knowledge database and is accompanying the project communicatively in public.

individuals to develop social engagement skills and begin to progress communicatively in a step-by-step manner.

Family-to-work spillover stress: Coping communicatively in the workplace.

It is possible for a speaker to be communicatively competent in more than one language.

Besides Polish, Perl speaks fluently English, French, and communicatively Serbian languages.

designed to make certain target forms 'task-essential,' thus making it communicatively necessary for students to practice using them.

Gender actualized: Cases in communicatively constructing realities (pp.

Applying sense-making methodology: Communicating communicatively with audiences as listeners, learners, teachers, confidantes.

is repeated with variations in phrase length and intensity to call communicatively, territorially and in alarm.

communication learning of many people who can frequently be considered "communicatively difficult to reach", often living with some, or extensive, social isolation.

sojourner must conform to the majority group culture in order to be "communicatively competent.

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