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commuting Meaning in Bengali

 বিনিময় করা, দণ্ড লঘু করা,

commuting's Usage Examples:

that are socioeconomically tied to the urban core, typically measured by commuting patterns.

transport, also called mixed-mode commuting, involves using two or more modes of transportation in a journey.

Mixed-mode commuting is often used to combine the.

Bicycle commuting is the use of a bicycle to travel from home to a place of work or study — in contrast to the use of a bicycle for sport, recreation.

Carpool commuting is more popular for people who work in places with more jobs nearby, and.

It includes recreational, racing, commuting, and utility cycling.

forming ad hoc, informal carpools for purposes of commuting, essentially a variation of ride-share commuting and hitchhiking.

It includes commuting (i.

However, commuting data only provides a small window into overall activity—nationally, only about 5% of cycling trips are for commuting to school or.

to improve workers' quality of life, as teleworking typically reduces commuting time and time stuck in traffic jams.

annual event that promotes the bicycle as an option for commuting to work (bicycle commuting).

bicycles are designed for utility cycling: are a traditional bicycle for commuting, shopping and running errands in towns and cities A roadster is a specific.

polynomial ring since its elements may be described as "polynomials" with non-commuting variables.

metropolis, a satellite city experiences cross-commuting (that is, residents commuting out of and employees commuting into the city).

More than 10% of the employed residents commuting to the core city.

More than 5% of the employed residents commuting to the core city and more than 40% of.

it was one method Indonesians have become accustomed to in their daily commuting struggle.


travelling; traveling; travel; commutation;


linger; ride; ascend; recede; rise;

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