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completive Meaning in Bengali

 সম্পূর্ণতাদায়ক, সমাপক,


নিকাশ করা, পূরণ করা, পূর্ণ করা, শেষ করা, সম্পন্ন করা, সম্পূর্ণ করা,


চারপো, আনুপূর্বিক, চতুরঙ্গ, চতুষ্পাদ, সর্ব, কারকিত, অবিকল, একেবারে, সম্যক্, পুরাদস্তুর, পুরাপুরি, পুরা, পূর্ণ, সমাপ্ত, সম্পূর্ণ,

completive's Usage Examples:

completive aspect.

The completive aspect indicates a finished action.

Finished actions can be discussed in the continuative, stative, or completive aspects.

(evaluative, progressive, continuous, completive, and negated clauses), Kĩsêdjê (progressive, continuous, and completive clauses, as well as future and negated.

interpreted as completive.

kòfí ná sɛ́   (help·info) (Kofi PAST go-completive)   "Kofi went"—PAST kòfí wè sɛ́   (Kofi FUTURE go-completive)   "Kofi will.

The aspects are the completive (daahir gasu), the incompletive (daahir gasu si) and the subjunctive (afiri.

The completive aspect is expressed either without marking — that is, by context only — or by the use of a completive preverbal marker, such.

Mandarin completive "ba" (吧) is often changed into "và" (哇) especially in suggestions.

Cholan languages limit this pattern of ergative alignment to sentences in completive aspect, classical Mayan does not show evidence of divided ergativity.

In Shushtar mode the third membrane is the completive tone, the fourth membrane is Maye.

' completive This is indicated with the prefix /ngu-/, and verbs that start with /cu-, cui-, qui-/ change to /ngu-/ and /ngüi-/ in the completive: sta.

Pickett suggests “that for some verbs the completive and potential aspect prefixes are added at an earlier stratum than for.

repetitive, causatives, an involuntary passive, completive, stative, purposive, future, usitative, successful completive and so on.

The antonyms are the pronouns al "he" and la "she", the ge- (completive) and eg- (inchoative) aspects, the verbs fin- "to finish" and nif- "to.

include: -tere/tirya 'completive' -bisha 'incompletive' -nuka 'repeated/reiterative' The following examples show the completive and reiterative suffixes:.

negation, a completive aspect prefix signifies the negative potential.

A potential aspect prefix in the same context signifies the negative completive.

completive, e.

Negation (not, not yet, don't) and completive aspect (already) are indicated by modality markers which occur in clause-final.

verbs, the object of transitive verbs and the subject of intransitive completive verbs, and a third set of pronouns only used for the subject of incompletive.

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