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complicit Meaning in Bengali

complicit's Usage Examples:

Complicit absolution is an offense in Roman Catholic canon law consisting of the absolution of a party complicit with the absolving priest in an offense.

In cases where one is complicit because of a failure to act when one has a duty to act to prevent a crime.

for conflicting reasons; the Cuban government alleged that he had been complicit in anti-Castro terrorism, while foreign sources regarded his arrest as.

He was complicit in the 1942 roundup of Jews in Paris and their deportation from France.

Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp where she is believed to have been directly complicit in the deaths of over 500,000 female prisoners.

States authorities" in which the British Intelligence services had been complicit.

who is complicit in a sin against the sixth commandment is incapable of validly absolving his accomplice from that sin.

This is called complicit absolution.

County, Mississippi, charging that its law enforcement officials had been complicit in these events.

Specifically, a recipient may be perceived as complicit with or oblivious to a donor's unethical practices, thus tainting its.

of Achilles, to whom she had been betrothed and in whose death she was complicit in many versions.

the term "Lolita" to portray a young girl who attracts adult desire as complicit rather than victimized.

must make decisions on whether to change the course of events or remain complicit with the new administration.

Officials and police have been complicit in trafficking.

lack of evidence, although law enforcement officials were reportedly complicit in Williams's arrest and release to persons unknown.

Some corrupt officials have been complicit.

Some officials have been complicit in sex trafficking.

Wrhwant was complicit in the conspiracy which assassinated Salomon in 874.

government officials, troops, and police, as well as foreigners, have been complicit in sex trafficking in Myanmar.

Officials and police have been complicit.

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