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compromised Meaning in Bengali

 আপস করা, মিটমাট করা, মিটমাট করান, মিটান, বিজড়িত করা, বিপদ্গ্রস্ত করা, সোলে করা, বোঝাপড়া করা, আপোষ করা,


আপোষ, বোঝাপড়া, সোলে, সন্ধি, আপস-মীমাংসা, রফা, মিটমাট, আপস,


আপোষ করা, বোঝাপড়া করা, সোলে করা, বিপদ্গ্রস্ত করা, বিজড়িত করা, মিটান, মিটমাট করান, মিটমাট করা, আপস করা,

compromised's Usage Examples:

the immune system's ability to fight infectious diseases and cancer is compromised or entirely absent.

assurances that session keys will not be compromised even if long-term secrets used in the session key exchange are compromised.

improperly issued a certificate, or if a private-key is thought to have been compromised.

limb to make sure blood and lymphatic circulation is not compromised.

If circulation is compromised, an escharotomy, or surgical incision through the eschar.

other instances of an oops event may allow continued operation with compromised reliability.

The operation was severely compromised by Soviet counter-intelligence, primarily through information provided.

On Windows devices that have been compromised it allows data exfiltration, to drop and run secondary payloads, initialization.

[citation needed] This recent[when?] surge in compromised web servers has generated discussions in online forums and blogs.

computing, a zombie is a computer connected to the Internet that has been compromised by a hacker, computer virus, computer worm, or trojan horse program and.

Pivoting refers to a method used by penetration testers that uses the compromised system to attack other systems on the same network to avoid restrictions.

This Constituency formerly known as NA-266 which was compromised on Naseerabad and Jaffrabad districts, In 2018 Elections Naseerabad was.

which can either read several card formats or even directly decrypt a compromised encryption scheme.

an additional 100 million email addresses and passwords that had been compromised from the same 2012 breach.

zombie computer that then sends out spam to other computers from the compromised computer, making a botnet or network of bot infected computers.

retrieved and decrypted should long-term secret keys or passwords be compromised in the future.

2 million debit cards were compromised.

Computer security compromised by hardware failure is a branch of computer security applied to hardware.

2015 "Data Breach Industry Forecast", Experian (2015) "Data breaches compromised 4.


cooperation; via media;


disorder; disagreement; competition;

compromised's Meaning in Other Sites