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comradely Meaning in Bengali

 কমরেডসুলভ, সাথীসুলভ,


সাথীসুলভ, কমরেডসুলভ,

comradely's Usage Examples:

Edward Carpenter and John Addington Symonds, who used it to describe a comradely love that would bring about true democracy.

They formed a very strong bond of comradely friendship forged in moments of extreme danger.

hailed as a highlight of the century's poetry: "Thom Gunn is a poet of 'comradely love.

his behavior precisely towards women was so sensitive, so natural and comradely, that even today in old age I cannot regard Nietzsche as a despiser of.

At the same time, criticism may take place along comradely lines, while at the same time a basic unity is felt and preserved.

Garrick, James Corden’s raucous Sky TV sports quiz A League of Their Own, a comradely Hugh Grant and a snappy Radio 5 Live headline)".

"democratic marriage" (Silkin 1989:148) and as "marriages based solely on comradely love" (Eritrean Women's Association 1979:18).

began to take on an anti-party character, for there was no inner-party, comradely discussion of the most acute questions.

Discipline, mutual comradely control, centralism and conspiracy became this organization’s principles.

the studies of several World War II armies, sociologists concluded that comradely ties between small combat units is a decisive factor in providing good.

virtue", the "democratic leader who commands respect out of trust and comradely love".

Aside from its depiction of a seductress, the film is notable for the "comradely" relationship Lily has with African-American Chico, who is her co-worker.

"with comradely regards") among military personnel, Mit sportlichen Grüßen ("with sporting.

frequently used Section theme as the "comradely ideal".

She writes, "[Louise] Ronnebeck invokes the comradely ideal in the image of shared labor, and.

Serbia, and publicly turned against the Croatian Spring in the form of "comradely critic", (an internal communist way to openly criticize its party members.

circle of terror, pressure, and racketeering to participate in a new comradely or community spirit.

In consequence, Yurenev was surrounded by an atmosphere of comradely devotion much more precious than the respect to which his official position.

(referring to an early-20th-century Czech satirical novel) wrote of "the comradely pranks of changing street names and road signs, of pretending not to understand.


friendly; hail-fellow-well-met; hail-fellow;


inhospitable; unfriendliness; hostile; unfriendly;

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