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concretionary Meaning in Bengali

 জমাট বাঁধাইবার শক্তিসংপন্ন,

concretionary's Usage Examples:

This concretionary cement often makes the concretion harder and more resistant to weathering.

depositional environment is described as a crater lake where poorly lithified, concretionary conglomerate and volcaniclastic, intraclastic, calcareous mudstone were.

It is a globular, botryoidal or stalactic concretionary form of opal.

Nodule is also used for widely scattered concretionary lumps of manganese, cobalt, iron, and nickel found on the floors of.

A pisolite is a sedimentary rock made of pisoids, which are concretionary grains – typically of calcium carbonate which resemble ooids, but are more than.

It forms as brown rounded to concretionary masses.

Ower of Superior Oil Company (after whom it is named) in a "limy concretionary boulder" in Hautapu River, due west of Flat Spur and 1.

100-foot-tall sea stack geological formation composed of middle Miocene concretionary sandstone at Nye Beach in Newport, Oregon, United States.

carbonate concretionary nodule horizons are characteristic of the lower and middle parts of the formation informally named as concretionary layer 1-4.

The marginal marine; concretionary, sideritic sandstones preserve indeterminate ichthyosaur and plesiosaur.

Miller 1944 comes from the Permian of state of Coahuila, Mexico, from concretionary shale and limestone of the La Difunta Formation and from offshore sandstone.

The formation comprises dry floodplain; paleosol/pedogenic, concretionary, brown, red, calcareous mudstones.

habit Pyramidic, prismatic, radially fibrous botryoidal crusts and concretionary masses; coarse to fine granular, massive Twinning Very common on {011}.

Nodular phosphorite, coal fragments and concretionary siderite occur in the coarse beds.

The formation comprises sandstones with frequent conglomerate lenses, concretionary levels and claystones.

Poorly sorted sandstone and concretionary beds also occur.

with coarse grained beds and minor bentonite, coal, green shale, and concretionary beds.

to top: rock bottom of the shelter, 5" angular fragments, 8" smooth concretionary limestone fragments mixed with brown dust, 6" of ash mixed with angular.

A peculiar variety occurring as contorted concretionary masses is known as tripe-stone, and a scaly granular variety, from Volpino.

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