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concur Meaning in Bengali

 এক বিন্দুতে মিলিত হওয়া


সম্মত হত্তয়া, একমত হত্তয়া, একসময়ে ঘটা,

concur's Usage Examples:

In Western jurisprudence, concurrence (also contemporaneity or simultaneity) is the apparent need to prove the simultaneous occurrence of both actus reus.

Most scholars concur that Scandinavia is meant.

The full moon shows 100% illumination, causes high tides, and can concur with lunar eclipses.

Both sources concur that it involved the Anglo-Saxon leaders Hengist and Horsa on one side and.

Senate may propose or concur with amendments, as in the case of other bills.

Justice John Marshall, Justice Gabriel Duvall, and Justice Joseph Story concurred in part and dissented in part to the Court's judgment, while Justices.

Theoretically, peak tidal forces at a given location would concur when the Moon reaches the meridian, but a delay usually precedes high tide.

Justice Samuel Alito wrote a concurring opinion, pointing out that the Court had to make this decision because.

well-known "el mirador e iglesia de Yanahuara", a popular spot where tourists concur to view the city and its background volcanoes.

president's signature to become a law, the Senate is the only body that can concur with treaties, and can try impeachment cases.

legislative power of Liberia in both the Senate and the House, which must both concur on a bill prior to it being sent to the president.

that empowered the state's delegates to the Second Continental Congress to concur in the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain.

Others concur that the pre-Islamic calendar was originally a lunar calendar, but suggest.

Justice White and Justice Blackmun concur with Justice Souter's majority opinion with one caveat.


yield; grant; make up; patch up; support; conclude; agree; concede; see eye to eye; subscribe; reconcile; concord; arrange; conciliate; hold; settle; fix up; resolve;


destabilise; ascend; float; rise; disagree;

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