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conduces Meaning in Bengali

সহায়ক হতে


সঙ্ঘটনে সাহায্য করা,

conduces's Usage Examples:

engaged in Sankaradeva studies, as also to creating an atmosphere which conduces, in broad social terms, to the success of such efforts.

all to be dressed healthily, comfortably, and beautifully, to seek what conduces to birth, comfort and beauty in our dress as a duty to ourselves and each.

which conduces to the practice of Dharma, Artha and Kama together, or of any two, or even one of them should be performed.

But an action which conduces to.

It conduces to the routing of the flow of information or document flow, it transmits.

One of these, How far Methodism conduces to the interests of Christianity, and the welfare of society: impartially.

first six days, needs improving and perfecting, and that circumcision conduces to perfection.

Satya is the speaking of truth that conduces to the well being of creatures, through the actions of one's mind, speech.

"Good transfer of tebipenem into middle ear effusion conduces to the favorable clinical outcomes of tebipenem pivoxil in pediatric patients.

Wrong is that which conduces to the opposite of happiness—misery, ill-fare, maladaptation.

Without meditation work cannot be performed in a way which conduces to spiritual growth.

"chastity" is employed metaphorically: for just as a mingling of bodies conduces to venereal pleasure which is the proper matter of chastity and of lust.

Writing for O Globo, Leonardo Lichote says: "Reis conduces the listener through his 'Garden-orchard' as if he walked through the tragic-redemptive.

It defines Satya as "the speaking of the truth that conduces to the well being of creatures, through the actions of one's mind, speech.

United Nations Association of Turkey Youth Section conduces to endeavor for materializing the principles of United Nations and to.

This self-consciousness conduces to a hypervigilant and ruminative mode to process social information that.

suppress scandalous, seditious, and libellous books: "this order of licencing conduces nothing to the end for which it was fram'd".

strongly influence that decision is the question of which construction most conduces to the fulfillment of the legislative purpose.

The oxide removal conduces also as surface passivation.

conduces's Meaning':

be conducive to


contribute; encourage; further; lead; boost; promote; advance;


discourage; dishearten; despair; near; stay in place;

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