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conformably Meaning in Bengali

একটি অনুরূপ পদ্ধতিতে

conformably's Usage Examples:

It is conformably overlain by Oxaya Formation.

sandstone, 150 to 210 m thick, that conformably overlies the alluvial Copper Harbor Conglomerate and is conformably overlain by the fluvial Freda Sandstone.

lies conformably on the Lamotte Sandstone and in places lies directly on the Proterozoic igneous core of the mountains.

The Bonneterre is conformably overlain.

pre-existing inclined surface: these sediments are usually deposited conformably to the pre-existing surface.

deposited diachronously along a series of intra-arc basins and overlies conformably the formations of Pan de Azúcar and Posada de los Hidalgo.

At its base, this formation conformably overlies the Plottier Formation of the older Río Neuquén Subgroup, and.

It rests conformably atop the Clinton Group and conformably below the Bloomsburg Formation.

It conformably overlies the Gingin Chalk and is in turn overlain by unconsolidated Quaternary.

It conformably overlies the Dharmaram Formation which is Late Triassic to earliest Jurassic.

It rests conformably on the Yeso Group and is overlain either conformably by thin beds of the San Andres Formation or.

It is conformably overlain by the Haumurian to Teurian Whangai Formation.

At its base, the Anacleto Formation conformably overlies the Bajo de la Carpa Formation, also of the Río Colorado Subgroup.

The Viking Formation is conformably overlain by the Big River Formation and conformably and unconformably underlain by the Joli Fou.

sub-unit of the Horn River Formation; it is conformably overlain by the Fort Simpson Formation and conformably underlain by the Otter Park Member.

It is conformably underlain by the Cardium Formation and conformably overlain by the Bad Heart Formation.

) limestone or dolomite beds that conformably overlie the previous unit.

The Lea Park Formation is conformably overlain (and laterally replaced )by the Judith River Formation and conformably overlies the First White Speckled.

It follows conformably after the Ecca Group and unconformably underlies the Stormberg Group.

conformably's Meaning':

in a conformable manner

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