congenital defect Meaning in Bengali
জন্মগত খুঁত,
Similer Words:
congenital diseasecongenital disorder
congenital heart defect
congestive heart failure
congo gum
congo peafowl
congo snake
congregation of the inquisition
congregational christian church
congregational church
congress of industrial organizations
congress of racial equality
congressional district
congenital defect's Usage Examples:
This is a congenital defect that consists of bilateral amputations of the distal upper and lower.
This condition may be a congenital defect associated with underlying abnormalities of the pectoral muscle (as.
A bifid penis (or double penis) is a rare congenital defect where two genital tubercles develop.
Goldenhar syndrome is a rare congenital defect characterized by incomplete development of the ear, nose, soft palate, lip and mandible on usually one.
In some cases, a combination of sepsis and a partial congenital defect in the protein C anticoagulant pathway initiates purpura fulminans.
A vascular ring is a congenital defect in which there is an abnormal formation of the aorta and/or its surrounding blood vessels.
Incomplete fusion of the palatine raphe results in a congenital defect known as cleft palate.
Aglossia (aglossia congenita) is a congenital defect resulting in a partial development or complete absence of a tongue.
pulmonary venous drainage or anomalous pulmonary venous return) is a congenital defect of the pulmonary veins.
Both his legs were amputated when he was 18 months old; because of a congenital defect he had no tibia in one leg, and no fibula in the other.
Radial aplasia is a congenital defect which affects the formation of the radius bone in the arm.
"The Elephant Man" because of his physical appearance caused by a congenital defect.
This condition may result due to a congenital defect or it may be an acquired condition.
Gastric atresia is a congenital defect with complete occlusion of the pyloric outlet of the stomach.
Situs ambiguus is a rare congenital defect in which the major visceral organs are distributed abnormally within the chest and abdomen.
Esophageal atresia is a congenital defect of the digestive system in which the continuity of the esophageal.
Abdominal wall defects are a type of congenital defect that allows the stomach, the intestines, or other organs to protrude through an unusual opening.
congenital abnormality; anomaly; hermaphroditism; cleft lip; colour blindness; epispadias; Down syndrome; encephalocele; spina bifida; syndactyly; clinocephaly; spinocerebellar disorder; anencephalia; syndactylism; ametria; hyperdactyly; schistorrhachis; scaphocephaly; rachischisis; birth defect; congenital disorder; anomalousness; Down's syndrome; ablepharia; meningocele; plagiocephaly; colour vision deficiency; mongolism; cheiloschisis; clinodactyly; amelia; cleft palate; anencephaly; meromelia; trisomy 21; macroglossia; congenital anomaly; clinocephalism; color vision deficiency; oxycephaly; hermaphrodism; tongue tie; color blindness; polysomy; congenital heart defect; myelomeningocele; polydactyly; acrocephaly; albinism; mongolianism; harelip; pseudohermaphroditism; ankyloglossia; defect;
normality; hyperpigmentation; perfection; advantage;