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conglutinates Meaning in Bengali

মেনে চলে কারণ

conglutinates's Usage Examples:

greenii, release their glochidia in mucilaginous packets called conglutinates.

releases its larvae, termed glochidia, glued together in packets called conglutinates.

Mussels that produce conglutinates and super-conglutinates are often gill parasites, the glochidia attaching to the.

Species of this genus package their larvae, known as glochidia, in conglutinates that resemble prey items such as fish fry.

many North American freshwater mussels - released in whitish elongated conglutinates which probably mimic larvae of insects (Trichoptera) and attract possible.

Orangethroat darter (Etheostoma spectabile) with the conglutinates of Ouachita kidneyshell, (Ptychobranchus occidentalis).

Fish hosts and conglutinates of the pyramid pigtoe (Pleurobema rubrum).

conglutinates's Meaning':

cause to adhere


cling; cleave; stick; adhere; cohere;


detach; dislodge; unfasten; move; travel;

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