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consubstantial Meaning in Bengali

পদার্থ বা সারাংশ মধ্যে একই হিসাবে গণ্য (ট্রিনিটি তিন ব্যক্তি যেমন

consubstantial's Usage Examples:

Consubstantiality, a term derived from Latin consubstantialitas, denotes identity of substance or essence in spite of difference in aspect.

contrast to Trinitarianism, which defines the Godhead as three coeternal, consubstantial, co-immanent, and equally divine hypostases.

The term ὁμοούσιον, the accusative case form of ὁμοούσιος homoousios "consubstantial", was adopted at the First Council of Nicaea (325) in order to clarify.

Trinity identifies Jesus as the incarnation of God, united in essence (consubstantial) but distinct in person with regard to God the Father and God the Holy.

considered heretical by the Church, which adopted the term "homoousion", or "consubstantial", to describe the relation between Father and Son in the Nicene Creed.

extreme form of Arianism, that Jesus Christ was not of the same nature (consubstantial) as God the Father nor was of like nature (homoiousian), as maintained.

demons and gave existence to the earthly beings, thus humans carry consubstantial light particles of the Father of Greatness, but are unaware of them.

the Trinity is an abstraction, so that while the three persons are consubstantial they are distinct in their properties.

The Greek term homoousian or (ὁμοούσιος 'consubstantial') had been used before its adoption by the First Council of Nicaea.

Son, and Holy Spirit are co-eternal, and of the same substance, or consubstantial, and was therefore considered to be heretical by many contemporary Christians.

perfect in his divinity and perfect in his humanity, consubstantial with the Father and consubstantial with us in all things but sin.

Council of Nicaea (325) declared that Christ was divine (homoousios, consubstantial, of one being or essence, with the Father) and human (was incarnate.

dogmas of the Council of Nicaea (325), in particular to Christ being consubstantial with God the Father, as shown (for example) by the scene of a figure.

Father before the ages, and consubstantial with Him; and the Holy Spirit proceeding from the Father, and consubstantial with the Father and the Son.

trinus "threefold") holds that God is one God, but three coeternal and consubstantial persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.

representing God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son as "of one essence" ("consubstantial") and coeternal.

humanity and perfect in his divinity – at once consubstantial with the Father in his divinity, and consubstantial with us in his humanity.

affirms the co-essential divinity of the Son, applying to him the term "consubstantial".

without confusion, without alteration and without mixing where Christ is consubstantial with God the Father.

consubstantial's Meaning':

regarded as the same in substance or essence (as of the three persons of the Trinity

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