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contriving Meaning in Bengali



কার্যসাধন করা, মতলব আঁটা,

contriving's Usage Examples:

interested in q-analogs that arise naturally, rather than in arbitrarily contriving q-analogs of known results.

action upon the case for this deceit and the form of the writ is such… contriving deceitfully to defraud…’ (950) On trespass to land: “If A.

Volscian leader Attius Tullus Aufidius sought to stir up trouble in Rome by contriving for the Roman senate to expel the Volsci from the city during the Great.

writing, skill in sciences as mathematics, architecture, drawing, painting, contriving of scenes, masques, shows and entertainments for great Princes.

and Te Whiti were charged with "wickedly, maliciously, and seditiously contriving and intending to disturb the peace" and tried in Otago 10 June 1882.

William's sexual liaison with a cleric named Berterus; he took his revenge by contriving the recitation of a scurrilous jingle at the papal curia, thus effectively.

names in bullfighting history, having codified rules for bullfighting and contriving an order for fights.

Boyd, were later convicted of treason for abducting young James III, contriving the marriage of Thomas to Princess Mary Stewart (which was considered.

would frequently visit them all and take imaginary possession of them, by contriving to get within their entrances.

the marriage of Eaton's sister in Rome, two weeks earlier, both notices contriving to mention both Eaton and Tixover Hall.

who was appointed as a stand-in valide, could not counterbalance the contriving of Mustafa I's mother in the Old Palace.

She persuades the Captain to help her murder her husband, contriving his death to look like the result of his drunk driving.

Mara bends tradition to suit her needs by contriving a way to recruit grey warriors — the former soldiers of fallen Houses.

This is achieved by contriving to line up four pieces of the same colour in a row on the board, at which.

A despairing Recky contemplates suicide, contriving to make it look like an accident so that Julia will be able to collect.

destined to be overcome by his own son, strong though he was, through the contriving of great Zeus.

(1) His contriving, consenting to, and exhibiting before the Committee of Estates the paper called The Western Remonstrance.

(2) His contriving, writing.

is expected, people may be put at ease and conversation facilitated by contriving topics.

Shuysky, who began his rule by ousting Metropolitan Daniel from office and contriving the election of Joasaphus Skripitsin as the new head of the Russian Orthodox.


create by mental act; create mentally; excogitate; forge; devise; formulate; invent;


stay in place; disinherit; uncreativeness; hide; disappear;

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