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converso Meaning in Bengali

(মধ্যযুগীয় স্পেন ও পর্তুগাল

converso's Usage Examples:

A converso (Spanish: [komˈbeɾso]; Portuguese: [kõˈvɛɾsu]; feminine form conversa), "convert", (from Latin conversvs 'converted, turned around') was a Jew.

of conversos remained in Spain and Portugal, and their descendants in both these countries numbering in the millions.

The small minority of conversos who.

specifically refers to the charge of crypto-Judaism, whereas the term converso was used for the wider population of Jewish converts to Catholicism, whether.

the Inquisition's continued religious persecution of their Jewish and converso brethren in both the Old and New Worlds.

eliminate the influence of practicing Jews on Spain's large formerly-Jewish converso New Christian population, to ensure the latter and their descendants did.

years after his death, he had learned alchemical secrets from a Jewish converso on the road to Santiago de Compostela.

José Castro, the Colombian converso journalist Juan Carlos Izquierdo and many other well-known radio personalities.

surname Ortiz, although they have few sanbenitos, is in this city a very converso lineage and surname".

Contemporary documents refer to Rojas as "converso", but scholarly opinion differs on whether this means that he himself converted.

1400) was a converso Spanish Jewish writer and physician to Henry III of Castile.

uses verso pollice in the Satires: Prudentius mentions the thumb gesture (converso pollice), used by a Vestal virgin who delights in the carnage: The notion.

married a second time, to María Coronel, grand daughter of Abraham Seneor, a converso.

Marina's family were known as a converso family in the city.

A Portuguese converso or New Christian of Jewish ancestry, he is the only royal doctor in English.

converso's Meaning':

(medieval Spain and Portugal


convert; Marrano;


decode; stay; dissuade;

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