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coontie Meaning in Bengali

ফ্লোরিডা ও ওয়েস্ট ইন্ডিজের এবং কিউবার ছোট শক্ত অরণ্যময় zamia; শিকড় এবং অর্ধ-দাফন একটি অ্যারারূট উত্পাদ কান্ড

coontie's Usage Examples:

exclusively eats the leaves of the coontie.

A half dozen caterpillars can completely strip a coontie bare and a large coontie population is needed to sustain.

Eumaeus atala, the Atala or coontie hairstreak, is a small colorful butterfly in the family Lycaenidae.

commercial name of an edible starch extracted from Zamia integrifolia (coontie), a small cycad native to North America.

Zamia pumila, or coontie palm, is a small, tough, woody cycad of the West Indies.

The larvae feed on various woody plants, including coontie, cabbage palmetto, crotons, lupine, oak and persimmon.

Even smaller parcels can host coontie, sabal palm, partridge pea and a native cactus: Opuntia humifusa.

established a coontie starch mill in the area in the 1840s.

By the 1850s, William Wagner and a business partner reestablished a coontie mill on a Miami.

Lawrence Will relates that the Seminole name for the river was Coontie-Hatchee, for the coontie (Zamia integrifolia) that grew along the river, and that the.

processing and shipping Florida arrowroot, a starch made from the root of the coontie plant.

colonists who remained in poor condition and surviving by eating coutee or coontie (the starchy roots of a native plant), palmetto cabbage and fish they caught.

coontie's Meaning':

small tough woody zamia of Florida and West Indies and Cuba; roots and half-buried stems yield an arrowroot

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