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coparceners Meaning in Bengali

 এজমালি সম্পত্তির শরিক,

coparceners's Usage Examples:

This name should perhaps be Daccombe, as in 1346 John Daccombe and his coparceners were holding half a knight's fee at Park, which had formerly belonged.

held with 2 coparceners.

Sarah’s sister, Margaret de Offini, had not married Richard Marnham by this time and Walter Devereux’s coparceners were his wife.

Reginald held in 1346 with his coparceners three parts of a fee in Nunwell, representing what in later years came.

Gresley, and passed by daughters in marriage to Henry de Verdun and other coparceners.

The Wyvills still retained their share, Thomas Wyvill and his coparceners holding the estate in 1346.

there are no less than sixteen coparceners, of whom eight possess houses.

Nicholas III Devereux of Chanston, John's nephew, and his coparceners (David le Seriaunt, John and Sarah Ragun with their son John, and Maud.

Domesday Barony of Emulf de Hesding, are found in 1165 to be divided among coparceners.

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