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coplanar Meaning in Bengali




coplanar শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

এমন একতলীয় সরলরেখা ।

ভোডারবার্জ টালিকরণ, একটি সর্পিলাকার, একতলীয় টালিকরণ যা নবভুজ দ্বারা ।

১৫ টির মধ্য একটি একতলীয় পঞ্চভুজাকার টালিকরণ ।

স্পর্শক: একটি বৃত্ত বহির্ভূত একতলীয় সরলরেখা ।

নিয়মিত উপগ্রহগুলির কক্ষপথ ইউরেনাসের নিরক্ষরেখার সঙ্গে প্রায় একতলীয়

এই তত্ত্বের মাধ্যমে গ্রহগুলির প্রায়-বৃত্তাকার ও একতলীয় কক্ষপথ এবং সূর্যের আবর্তনের সঙ্গে একই দিকে গ্রহগুলির গতি সহসৌরজগতের বিভিন্ন ।

coplanar's Usage Examples:

points in space are coplanar if there exists a geometric plane that contains them all.

For example, three points are always coplanar, and if the points.

is slightly imprecise and arbitrary since the stars are not perfectly coplanar.

pyramids, leaving adjacent coplanar faces.

This isn't a Johnson solid because of its coplanar faces.

Merging those coplanar triangles into larger ones.

resultants calculated in the middle plane displaying components which are both coplanar and normal to the surface.

Shear stress, often denoted by τ (Greek: tau), is the component of stress coplanar with a material cross section.

equilateral triangles that include two coplanar sets of three triangles.

There are infinitely many cases with coplanar triangles, allowing for sections of.

A non-inclined orbit is an orbit coplanar with a plane of reference.

The two satellites were launched together into polar coplanar orbits, which allowed them to simultaneously observe the upper and lower.

made with equilateral triangles, but is not a deltahedron because it has coplanar faces, i.

Pyramids and cupolae with 6 or more lateral faces are coplanar and are hence not Johnson solids.

main types in modern use, along with microstrip, suspended stripline, and coplanar waveguide.

It has the unusual feature that its 24 pentagram faces occur in 12 coplanar pairs.

superconducting coplanar waveguide microwave resonators, which are two-dimensional microwave analogues of the Fabry–Pérot interferometer.

Two lines are skew if and only if they are not coplanar.

physics, Lami's theorem is an equation relating the magnitudes of three coplanar, concurrent and non-collinear vectors, which keeps an object in static.

A coplanar waveguide consists of a center strip and two adjacent outer conductors.

In geometry, a skew polygon is a polygon whose vertices are not all coplanar.

Unfortunately, above 10 GHz, the well known microstrip and coplanar lines technologies cannot be used because they have high insertion and.

Anti-periplanar is often used in textbooks to mean strictly anti-coplanar, with an A-B C-D dihehedral angle of 180° (Figure 3).


planar; two-dimensional;


unidimensional; linear; cubic;

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