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copulating Meaning in Bengali

 সঙ্গম করা,


সঙ্গম করা,

copulating শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

যে ব্যক্তির পায়ুতে সঙ্গম করা হয় তার দুটি প্রধান ঝুঁকি থাকে; একটি হলো শরীরের কোথাও পাওয়া যায় না, ।

আইনের ন্যায়, কুরআন নারীদের কিছু শ্রেণীকে নির্ধারিত করেছে যাদের সাথে সঙ্গম করা পুরুষদের জন্য রহিত করা হয়েছে ।

এটি করার প্রয়োজন পড়বে না; আপনাআপনিই রাগমোচন বিলম্বিত হয়ে দীর্ঘক্ষণ সঙ্গম করা সম্ভব হবে ।

টডেরা নিকটাত্মীয়ের চেনে এবং তাদের সাথে সঙ্গম করা এড়িয়ে চলে ।

copulating's Usage Examples:

such hypothesis is that males maximise their reproductive success by copulating with as many females as possible outside of a pair bond relationship because.

A pair of lions copulating in the Maasai Mara, Kenya.

was mentioned as the third of five "satans" who led other angels into copulating with humans, leading to the creation of the giant-like Nephilim.

self-decapitated nude goddess, usually standing or seated on a divine copulating couple, holds her own severed head in one hand and a scimitar in another.

"Pseudocopulation" is also used to mean behaviours of birds that appear to be copulating but may merely involve mounting and could involve pairs of the same sex.

fallible: in many species of frog, the males are not uncommonly seen copulating with females of the wrong species or even with inanimate objects.

drowned before repeatedly copulating with her carcass.

Several months later, the same sea otter was again observed copulating with the carcass of a different.

according to tradition, was changed into a woman after striking a pair of copulating snakes with a rod, and was thereafter a priestess of Hera.

will sometimes dive out of the sky and feign death in order to avoid copulating with males.

males monopolize their female partners by physically preventing them from copulating with other males.

Pageantry Still Life with copulating sparrows, 1657, Städelsches Kunstinstitut [1] Sam Segal, "Cornelis (Jansz.

to obtain nectar or pollen, to prey on other species, or when pseudo-copulating with insect-mimicking flowers such as orchids.

the labyrinth on horseback, while on the right two couples are shown copulating.

Tales, centers around Isabel and her deep-sea lover, who spend their time copulating and arguing about bringing children into a world committed to death.

the male animal is encouraged to mount the breeding mount as if he were copulating with a female.

cartoon depicting the Australian prime minister and foreign minister as copulating dingoes in response to the West Papuan refugee crisis May: Sidoarjo mud.


nick; serve; get laid; roll in the hay; join; have it away; breed; have sex; bugger; lie with; sleep with; jazz; service; screw; conjoin; ruin; bonk; deflower; fuck; get it on; bang; love; have intercourse; couple; cover; know; do it; have it off; tread; make out; sleep together; mate; eff; be intimate; sodomize; hump; have a go at it; mount; ride; sodomise; bed; make love; pair;


natural object; natural elevation; disarrange; divide; disjoin;

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