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core group Meaning in Bengali


কোর গ্রুপ,

core group শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

টাস্ক ফোর্স অন সায়েন্স অ্যান্ড টেকনোলজির (পাকিস্তান) অধীনে ন্যাশনাল কোর গ্রুপ অফ ন্যানো টেকনোলজির চেয়ার ২০০৬-২০১৯: পিসিএসটি, বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তি মন্ত্রক ।

এবং প্রযুক্তি এবং পরিবেশ ও বন সম্পর্কিত কমিটির চেয়ারম্যান ১৯৯৬ সদস্য, কোর গ্রুপ, এআইসিসির সংসদীয় নির্বাচন (লোকসভা) ১৯৯৬ সালে নিউ ইয়র্কের পঞ্চাশতম বার্ষিকী ।

core group's Usage Examples:

does seem to constitute a lineage rather distinct from Harpalus, its core group is here considered to be the present subfamily and the Harpalinae are.

all gram-positive bacteria, but have recently defined them to be of a core group of related forms called the low-G+C group, in contrast to the Actinobacteria.

information and other forms of support (the 'many-to-one' model), while the core group supplies 'truth' and decisions/directions (the 'one-to-many' model).

has suggested how Hesiod filled out the complement of Titans from the core group—adding three figures from the archaic tradition of Delphi, Coeus, and.

The core group consisted of the Americans Zukofsky, Williams, Charles Reznikoff, George.

The blog posts are usually screened and chosen for publication by a core group or the publisher of the blog.

In all such treatments, the core group of Depressariinae becomes a tribe Depressariini.

The episode focuses on the remaining members of the core group holding together in Alexandria, while mourning the deaths of Glenn and.

of the language, along with a cultural atlas in collaboration with a core group of senior men and women.

The party was formed by a core group of working cadres of the now banned MNP, with Süleyman Arif Emre serving.

does occur as different lineages branch off and cease to interbreed, a core group may continue to be defined as the original species.

core group of members are most profitable and successful.

However, in 1999, 72 percent of CSAs did not have a core group of members.

As one of the core group of allegedly afflicted girls, Sheldon made claims of afflictions for the.

serves as the unrehearsed chorus, often supported by a carefully prepared core group.


community; man; varna; biological group; edition; electron shell; social group; actinoid; assemblage; grouping; series; circuit; sainthood; collection; biotic community; scheme; abstraction; mankind; people; rare-earth element; association; rare earth; the great unwashed; humankind; subgroup; lanthanon; halogen; mass; ethnic group; world; human race; system; human beings; actinon; actinide; ethnos; masses; lanthanoid; race; arrangement; accumulation; aggregation; humans; multitude; citizenry; hoi polloi; humanity; swarm; lanthanide; straggle; kingdom; population; abstract entity; cloud;


disagreement; woman; juvenile; female; civilian;

core group's Meaning in Other Sites