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costed Meaning in Bengali



costed শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

যা বর্তমানে কালপুরুষ নীহারিকাটি থেকে দূরে সরে যাচ্ছে এর কারণ দ্রুতবেগ যা ১০০এনবিএসপি;কি.মি/সে থেকেও বেশি পর্যবেক্ষকরা এই নীহারিকার দীর্ঘ একটি ।

তবে অত দ্রুতবেগ নিউট্রন, বা সূর্যের অভ্যন্তরের মত তীব্র তাপমাত্রা, বা সুপারনোভা বিস্ফোরণের ।

costed's Usage Examples:

The new stadium costed €95 million and is located in the neighborhood of Ghencea.

The hall was finished in 2007 and costed €14 million.

The project costed an estimated ₱59.

A ride on the ferry costed around NT"0.

The Coconut Palace costed ₱37 million to build and was partly financed by the coconut levy fund, which.

[citation needed] The athletics track underwent repair in 2014 which costed ₱100 thousand though it had to be rehabilitated again due to the number.

have cost "45,000 (Canadian), while having the event in Esquimalt only costed "7,000.

Several alternative routes were considered and costed before obtaining an Act of Parliament and issuing a prospectus to raise.

The feasibility study of the project had costed "1.

The construction of the center, which costed 6 billion pesos, began in 1995, but was delayed due to the Asian Financial.

to the N95, as well as better than the actual flagship, Nokia N96, which costed 100 euros more with few additions and was somewhat critically negative.

Airport's 2017 refurbishment and construction costed 256 million CZK and was fully funded by the Pardubice City Council and Pardubice.

which capital for different types of firms are supplied, acquired, and costed or priced.

And in the second race, he led most of the race until a spin which costed him the victory.

The project costed an estimated US"1.

The redevelopment plan, costed at €450m, will turn the brownfield site into a large scientific and cultural.

A mourning poffer costed 15 guilders.

A chic poffer with handmade lace and a new under hat costed approximately 100 guilders.

rise-rose-risen:raise-raised-raised; cost-cost-cost:cost-costed-costed.

The film's production costed RM4.

The first stage of development costed "101 million, with stage two costed "99 million.


opportunity cost; expense; outgo; unit cost; reproduction cost; replacement cost; expenditure; spending; handling charge; terms; cost of living; ransom; borrowing cost; ransom money; disbursement; physical value; outlay; production cost; damage; handling cost; portage; disbursal; capital expenditure; price; distribution cost; marketing cost; cost overrun; charge; payment;


positive charge; negative charge; empty; income; nonpayment;

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