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counterexamples Meaning in Bengali

উদাহরণ দ্বারা অপ্রমাণ

counterexamples's Usage Examples:

needed] In mathematics, counterexamples are often used to prove the boundaries of possible theorems.

By using counterexamples to show that certain conjectures.

that counterexamples to the hypothesis are logically possible.

The practical feasibility of observing a reproducible series of such counterexamples if they.

Attributed to American philosopher Edmund Gettier, Gettier-type counterexamples (called "Gettier-cases") challenge the long-held justified true belief.

ad-hoc to definitionally exclude the undesirable specific case and counterexamples like it by appeal to rhetoric.

Brouwer also provided "weak" counterexamples.

Such counterexamples do not disprove a statement, however; they only show that.

contractibility is a strictly stronger property than local contractibility; the counterexamples are sophisticated, the first being given by Borsuk and Mazurkiewicz.

Later many other counterexamples were found.

If "oval" means "continuous convex curve", then there are counterexamples, such as triangles or one of the lobes of Huygens lemniscate y2 = x2 − x4.

There are closed quotients of the Moore plane that provide counterexamples.

Adian showed that certain Burnside groups are also counterexamples.

None of these counterexamples are finitely presented, and for some years it was considered.

known as Frankfurt counterexamples or Frankfurt-style cases) were presented by philosopher Harry Frankfurt in 1969 as counterexamples to the principle of.

Several smaller counterexamples, with 21 faces, 57 edges and 38 vertices, were later proved minimal.

counterexamples's Meaning':

refutation by example


refutation; disproof; falsification;



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