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counterproposal Meaning in Bengali

একটি প্রস্তাব আগের প্রস্তাবে একটি বিকল্প হিসাবে প্রদত্ত


বিপরিত প্রস্তাবনা,

counterproposal's Usage Examples:

government and a counterproposal from the Landtag.

6% of voters, whilst the Landtag counterproposal was rejected by.

ensure purchasing power and full employment, together with a counterproposal.

The counterproposal was approved by 69% of voters, whilst the original proposal.

employment contracts, a ban on creating gambling establishments and a counterproposal to the ban.

restricting federal expenditure (approved) and a popular initiative (and counterproposal) on social health insurance (both of which were rejected).

on a popular initiative on introducing a "people's pension" (and a counterproposal) and on an agreement with the European Community.

with a "For Life" proposal and a counterproposal by the Landtag.

For the first time since 1925, a Landtag counterproposal was approved, whilst the "For Life".

Voters also voted on a counterproposal, which was rejected by a majority of voters and cantons.

consisted of an initiative to liberalise the building industry and a counterproposal from the Landtag.

concerned two proposals on civil order, the Gassner Initiative and a counterproposal from the Landtag.

on 25 November 1940, the Soviets presented a Stalin-drafted written counterproposal accepting the four power pact but including Soviet rights to Bulgaria.

one for a tax contribution for promoting solar energy (alongside a counterproposal), as well as initiatives "for a regulation of immigration" and "more.

Where an unacceptable proposal has been made, "a counterproposal is generated if there are any acceptable ones that have had already.

criminal foreigners"), proposed by the Swiss People's Party, as well as a counterproposal by the other partes; and «Steuergerechtigkeits-Initiative» ("Taxation.

broached in the form of a question, oppositional responses are given, a counterproposal is argued and oppositional arguments rebutted.

In mid-April 2021, Republicans offered a "568 billion counterproposal to Biden's "2.

counterproposal's Meaning':

a proposal offered as an alternative to an earlier proposal

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