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cowbirds Meaning in Bengali

উত্তর আমেরিকার যে গবাদি পশু অনুসরণ করে এবং অন্য পাখির 'বাসা ডিম টিম সীমানা Blackbird

cowbirds's Usage Examples:

Brown-headed cowbirds do not raise their own young; instead, they lay their eggs in the nests of other bird species.

As a result, young cowbirds are not exposed.

Since 1900 the shiny cowbirds' range has shifted northward, and it was recorded in the Caribbean islands.

noisy, explosive and piercing with rasp like calls also produced Screaming cowbirds are mostly seen in pairs or small flocks.

brood-parasites include the indigobirds, whydahs, and honeyguides in Africa, cowbirds, Old World cuckoos, black-headed ducks, and some New World cuckoos in the.

Like other cowbirds, it is a brood parasite, laying its eggs in the nests of oropendolas and.

The cowbirds' eggs closely resemble song sparrows' eggs, although the cowbirds' eggs are slightly larger.

Song sparrows recognize cowbirds as a threat.

World blackbirds, New World orioles, the bobolink, meadowlarks, grackles, cowbirds, oropendolas, and caciques.

medium-sized icterid (the same family as many blackbirds, meadowlarks, cowbirds, grackles, and others, including the New World orioles).

The island is home to cowbirds, yellow warblers, starlings, catbirds, diamondback terrapins, ospreys,.

Like all cowbirds, this bird is an obligate brood parasite; it lays its eggs in the nests.

the hypothesis was true, experiments were performed on ground squirrels, cowbirds and golden hamsters.

seed bait, tape recorders playing birdsongs and decoy cowbirds which attracted more cowbirds.

They were formerly in included in genus Molothrus with cowbirds.

ducks, herons, cormorants, and such birds as sargentillos (Agelaius), cowbirds (Molothrus Tangavius), Clariona (Cassidix mexicanus), and zanatillo (Cassidis.

research has involved many other species of animals, especially starlings and cowbirds, and he has made many contributions to optimal foraging theory, mechanisms.

breeding season, but can fall victim to brood parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds, among other species.

Even brood parasites such as brown-headed cowbirds, which do not care for their own offspring, have been documented swallowing.

Following intensive management, including the removal of cowbirds, the population of the pale-headed brushfinch is currently increasing.

cowbirds's Meaning':

North American blackbird that follows cattle and lays eggs in other birds' nests

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