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cranefly Meaning in Bengali

 একপ্রকার মক্ষী,

cranefly's Usage Examples:

several rare species, such as Lonchoptera scutellata cranefly, Stratiomys potamida and the cranefly Gonomyia bifida.

Tipularia discolor, the crippled cranefly or crane-fly orchid, is a perennial terrestrial woodland orchid, a member of the family Orchidaceae.

birds and invertebrates include the rare Molophilus lackschewitzianus cranefly and purple emperor and silver-washed fritillary buttterflies.

main biological interest of this site lies in the sixty-seven species of cranefly which have been recorded in areas of alder carr and fen.

Osten-Sacken Middle Eocene Baltic amber  Germany  Poland  Russia A Limoniid cranefly, Elephantomyia brevipalpa Elephantomyia longirostris comb.

Basilewsky's cranefly (Dicranomyia basilewskyana) is an insect species.

Nephrotoma quadrifaria is a species of true cranefly found in most of Europe.

Limnophila schranki is a cranefly in the family Limoniidae.

nov jr synonym Loew Middle Eocene Baltic amber  Europe A Limoniid cranefly, jr syn of Elephantomyia brevipalpa Elephantomyia brevipalpa Toxorhina.

nov nomen nudum Loew Middle Eocene Baltic amber  Europe A Limoniid cranefly, jr syn of Elephantomyia brevipalpa Elephantomyia brevipalpa Toxorhina.

Nephrotoma crocata is a species of cranefly found in most of Europe and northern Russia.

Lipsothrix nigristigma is a species of cranefly in the genus Lipsothrix, native to England.

Tipula maxima is a species of true cranefly.

Tipula obsoleta is a species of cranefly.

Tipula vernalis is a species of cranefly found in the West Palaearctic.

Pedicia rivosa is a species of hairy-eyed cranefly in the family Pediciidae.

Tipula nubeculosa is a species of cranefly.

Austrolimnophila ochracea is a cranefly in the family Limoniidae.

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