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crasser Meaning in Bengali

 সংবেদনহীন, অনুভূতিশূন্য, বোকা, নির্বোধ,


নির্বোধ, বোকা, অনুভূতিশূন্য, সংবেদনহীন,

crasser শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

অ্যানেস্থেসিয়া (Anesthesia)(গ্রীক শব্দ "সংবেদনহীন") এমন একটি অবস্থা যা চিকিৎসার উদ্দেশ্যে ব্যবহৃত হয় যেখানে একজন রোগীকে অস্থায়ীভাবে নিয়ন্ত্রণের মাধ্যমে ।

এখানে তাদের দ্বন্দ্ব, ব্যথা এবং সংবেদনহীন সমাজে নিজেদের জন্য একটি স্থান তৈরির সংগ্রাম পরিস্ফুট হয়েছে ।

crasser's Usage Examples:

high-end Division I budgets and schedules, while avoiding some of the crasser extremes of the big business of college sports".

somewhat childlike temperament, which is less off-putting than Butt-Head's crasser, more blatantly sexual approaches.

emcee's personal growth since 1992's Can I Borrow A Dollar? Likewise the crasser moments found on that LP, such as the misogynistic "Heidi Hoe" are greatly.

Their success is entirely dependent on making comedy a dumber, crasser, less dignified place.

irreverence and cheeky charm offer a persuasive alternative to today's crasser children's entertainments.

the cards" regarding whether the two schools should merge, there was a "crasser impetus" from admissions statistics, as Phillips was increasingly being.

In the crasser terms of consumer goods-televisions, cars, washing machines and television.

point of view, no way of joining the great Jam-Lewis moments with the crasser stuff.

reverse", and "did indeed seek to protect students from indoctrination by the crasser form of Nazi propaganda".

But Jim's new-found power backfires when Cheryl and Dana become crasser versions of himself.




polished; refined;

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