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creativeness Meaning in Bengali

creativeness's Usage Examples:

California, Neely set up her label with the hopes of encouraging art and creativeness over commercial success.

Team leaders utilize their expertise, their peers, influence, and/or creativeness to formulate an effective team.

which has been developed to represent the cultural heritage and artful creativeness of the Manipuri tribes.

However, Storioni made some bold adjustments with his extreme creativeness.

men and women whose lives exemplify the independence, resilience and creativeness of the people who settled Utah and continue to champion the Western way.

are scored based on their skills in precision, timing, showmanship, creativeness and speed.

dedicated to solving problems related to human needs and emphasizing creativeness, cooperation, and the scientific search for truth could become model.

embellished Kathak by integrating the sacredness of a tradition with the creativeness of a contemporary approach.

of what brains and creativeness we had at the time and had he lived the ‘twenties might have sparkled.

Cramp women's creativeness: male seen as more assimilated in society (they can participate more.

ambition was to incorporate to Zurbarán's mystical realism the experimental creativeness of modern painting in my desire to make it classic — Salvador Dalí, A.

passivity and absorption; the loss of the incentive of self-expression and creativeness".

clearly stuck to the mind after the exhibition were the rich fluidity and creativeness of the artist, who even though he could not follow his hobby into full-time.

main passion was for model aeroplanes, where he showed great technical creativeness in building them.

mastering the craft of acting and of stimulating the actor's individual creativeness and imagination.

pantheon, such as Obatala the orisha of creation, Ogun the orisha of creativeness and Sango the orisha of lightning", whose worship is imbricated "with.


genius; creative; vision; cleverness; conception; ability; originative; fecundity; power; inventiveness; invention; creativity; fruitfulness; excogitation; design; ingeniousness; divergent thinking; flight; creative thinking; ingenuity; imaginativeness; wizardry; uncreative; out-of-the-box thinking; innovation; imagination;


convergent thinking; creative; uncreativeness; uncreative; inability;

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