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cretic Meaning in Bengali


দোষদর্শী, সমালোচক, সূক্ষ্মদর্শী,

cretic's Usage Examples:

A cretic (/ˈkriːtɪk/; also Cretic, amphimacer /æmˈfɪməsər/ and sometimes paeon diagyios) is a metrical foot containing three syllables: long, short, long.

Also called the choriambo-cretic, the pattern is common in Aeolic verse.

The basic structure is much like iambic trimeter, except that the last cretic is made heavy by the insertion of a longum instead of a breve.

The cretic or amphimacer metrical foot, with three syllables, the first and last of.

amphibrach ˘ ˘ ¯ anapaest, antidactylus ˘ ¯ ¯ bacchius ¯ ¯ ˘ antibacchius ¯ ˘ ¯ cretic, amphimacer ¯ ¯ ¯ molossus See main article for tetrasyllables.

anapaestic, bacchiac, and cretic).

In Terence, 75% of the lines are iambic, 24% trochaic, and only 1% in other metres (bacchiac and cretic).

basic metrical groups – u u – u – (dodrans or choriambo-cretic), – u u – (choriamb) and – u – (cretic) figure importantly, and groups are sometimes joined.

established that a Ciceronian clausula had two parts: a "base", generally a cretic | – u – | or a variation on it, and a "cadence", generally of a trochaic.

adverbs ending in -en/-an have penultimate accent unless they end in a cretic (– u x) rhythm, thus following the Sezer rule (see below): iktisa:den ('economically').

The First Hymn is in so-called vocal notation and it is in the cretic (quintuple) meter throughout.

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