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croaks Meaning in Bengali

 দাঁড়কাকের শব্দ, ভেকের শব্দ,


ভেকের শব্দ, দাঁড়কাকের শব্দ,


অসন্তোষ প্রকাশ করা, অশুভ সূচনা করা, কর্কশ শব্দ করা,

croaks's Usage Examples:

Fritz croaks Fritz eats flies The goal is to decide whether Fritz is green, based on a rule base containing the following four rules: If X croaks and X.

pet named Fritz, given that he croaks and eats flies, and that the rule base contains the following four rules: If X croaks and X eats flies - Then X is.

Its call is a series of frog-like croaks, usually uttered in flight.

In the poem a mourning student is visited in his room by a raven which croaks the one word "nevermore" in response to his every question.

Frog croaks Michigan J.

fish is also known to make a variety of noises, such as whistles, grunts, croaks, and a boatwhistle that is used both to attract females and to deter intruding.

The fittest males will have the deepest croaks and the best territories, with females known to make their mate choices.

For those species that have year-round croaking ability, the croaks may serve as a low-aggression warning during group feeding, as well as to.

Her wish is granted, but now she croaks like a frog when she says vain, mean words about other people.

And just as they were about to finally see each other again, Ofelia croaks.

From crocs to croaks: Borneo's reptiles and amphibians Archived November 27, 2011, at the Wayback.

Series of descending croaks, screams and grunts.

panic and assume that Windham was under attack, some of them mistaking the croaks for shouted words or the beating of drums.

"Ribbit croaks, just three years after "105m BT deal".

Jody Rosen of Rolling Stone panned the cover, saying "Houston sings – and croaks – in a voice octaves lower than in her prime.

It also produces hoarse croaks and arh, arh, arh.

Its call is a descending series of coarse croaks "rrah.

The voice is a series of guttural croaks each lasting up to one and a half seconds.

Before they open the door, Skeeter fires a shot through it - which croaks a cop - and gets away.


pip out; yield; drop dead; expire; turn; conk out; conk; break down; suffocate; snuff it; predecease; give way; buy the farm; pop off; stifle; change state; perish; asphyxiate; abort; decease; exit; succumb; buy it; cash in one"s chips; kick the bucket; give out; choke; fall; go; famish; give-up the ghost; pass; die; starve; break; fail; drown; pass away; go bad;


attend; pay up; keep track; survive; be born;

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