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crookedly Meaning in Bengali

crookedly's Usage Examples:

mirror telescope, who described the cluster as "pretty faint, not large, crookedly extended, easily resolvable".

performed to correct a hallux valgus, or to straighten a bone that has healed crookedly following a fracture.

The Biryusa (west) and Chuna (east) flow crookedly north, then bear northwest and join to form the Taseyeva.

be a nickname for someone who 'shails', that is walks with a limp or crookedly.

2:10 of Jeshurun) gives the etymology "one who walks crookedly" for the name Jacob.

to travel crookedly.

It is employed by the Spanish Riding School, due to their belief that travers encourages the horse to travel crookedly with their.

They crookedly killed the King's chieftain Anantha Padmanaban Thirupappoor Nadar inside.

cartooning, attracted to what he called Crumb's "harsh drawing stuffed into crookedly-drawn panels".

From here upstream the river goes crookedly east and then south.

Correct position of the rider: Some riders have a habit of riding crookedly when performing lateral movements, especially if the horse tends to do.

had her try walking on the leg, she said that she knew she was walking "crookedly" and that something was not right.

could rob him of his livelihood, for he earned a living playing cards crookedly, and could ill afford to be barred from all his clubs.

The image of Tyson with the mouthpiece hanging crookedly from his lips would become an enduring image from the fight.

Its stems crookedly crawl in soil.

had her leg broken in 1989 by a medical employee, and the bone fused crookedly, leaving a permanent limp.

we but the excrement of the non-existent noon? (Truth like starlight crookedly) What are we all but ‘burial grounds abhorred by the moon’? And did the.

on illegitimacy of 1991 Croatian independence referendum, denounces me crookedly in English on the internet on how I called 'the leader of the Serbs in.

" The doctor bandaged the finger which reattached itself, but crookedly, a deformity that was credited with allowing Stoner to throw the ball.



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