<< crosschecked crosschecks >>

crosschecking Meaning in Bengali

crosschecking's Usage Examples:

considerable experimental labor of assigning quantum numbers to each state and crosschecking them in other experiments.

English Revised Version as a basis and original-language manuscripts for crosschecking.

Bible into the language of the Ho people of India, which included his crosschecking the work with the entire manuscript of the New Testament, though it.

while someone is crosschecking you in the back.

continuous monitoring using the main field for sensing and multivariable crosschecking".

Yugoslavian and Soviet forces Earlier supplements are usable, however crosschecking of statistics with the 'Normandy Handbook' is advisable, as some values.

procedure is known, and the replica trick can be proved to work by crosschecking of results.

further human remains, interviewing family members of missing victims and crosschecking with other hospitals.

related to the sketch given with the applications without officials crosschecking them.

they create an exchange society of overlapping groups and multiple and crosschecking centers of power.

Defenseman Mika Hannula was suspended from the final game against Czech Republic as a result of crosschecking Sidney Crosby during a goal celebration.

"County expects to begin crosschecking arena petition signatures Thursday".

user named @FOOL_NELSON, who told Meduza that he identified her by crosschecking details mentioned in the FBI report with open biographical data.

" The process, called orthographic mapping, involves decoding, crosschecking, mental marking and rereading.

The process, called orthographic mapping, involves decoding, crosschecking, mental marking and rereading.

"#Syria: crosschecking names, it turns out those 20 Al-Quds Brigade fighters were killed during.

eleven-hundred-page handwritten Chinese manuscript to seven hundred pages, crosschecking the original Chinese writing of Ch'en against Tung's translation.

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