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crosscourt Meaning in Bengali


সর্বাপেক্ষা সিধা পথ,

crosscourt's Usage Examples:

Vertical and Horizontal Feeding, Cross (low drive and high crosscourt or high drive and low crosscourt), Random Feeding, Fixed Point or Customized Feeding.

For example, a good crosscourt sliced drop shot will use a hitting action that suggests a straight clear.

For example, a player may hit three topspin shots crosscourt, and then on the fourth shot hit a flat ball or a slice down the line.

" Kovacs' best shot, says Kramer, was "a hard, angled backhand crosscourt, but he could never figure out how to set it up so he could take advantage.

especially when returning second serves, neutralising powerful serves with a crosscourt inside-out forehand or a backhand down-the-line, making her one of the.

Paire often uses topspin backhands crosscourt at great speed and acute angles to set up a powerful backhand down-the-line.

In your mind it's like, 'OK, I go down the line, then crosscourt, maybe drop shot.

consistent groundstrokes and prefers to go down the line more often than crosscourt.

looked in trouble again, eventually finishing the match off with a big crosscourt forehand that drew one last backhand error from Radwańska.

Li's crosscourt forehand tended to be her favourite shot, hit with great accuracy and.

stand six or seven feet behind the baseline and snap the ball back hard, crosscourt.

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